They test the car tyres on a motor racing circuit. 他们在赛车环道上测试汽车轮胎。
He said that the automobile and motorsports Federation had filed application for land required for construction of the racing circuit and got positive response. 他说,汽车和摩托车体育协会已经向国家有关部门申请修建赛车场的地皮,得到了积极的回答。
The Honda Racing F1 Team today completed a second day of testing at the Circuit de Catalunya with race driver Rubens Barrichello at the wheel of the RA108. 本田车队今天继续在巴塞罗那完成了他们的第二天测试,巴西人巴里切罗驾驶着RA108主要测试了轮胎。
This applies to both the road version and to racing circuit camber values. 这同时适用于公路和赛道拱度值。
The decision by eight top teams to form a rival championship to formula one is a serious threat to the elite racing circuit. 八支顶尖车队决定创办与一级方程式(formulaone)分庭抗礼的锦标赛,对这个精英赛车盛事构成了严重威胁。
Besides a record seven consecutive titles in the World Rally Championship, racing's preeminent multi-terrain circuit, the36-year-old has excelled in various motorsports. 除了创纪录地连续七次摘得世界汽车拉力锦标赛(WorldRallyChampionship)这一著名多路况赛事的桂冠外,36岁的勒布还在其它各项赛事中名列前茅。
Due to the racing development of the Very Large Size Integrated Circuit ( VLSIC) and its decreasing price annually, the cost of phase array radar is no longer a deadly obstacle for the designer or user. 本文指出由于超大规模集成电路的飞速发展和价格不断下降,成本不再是制约因素,相控阵雷达特别是固态相控阵在90年代将由于性能价格比的不断上升而被愈来愈多地采用。
Consider racing circuit happened single-phase short circuit fault, will be in grounded potential power flow produce unfavorable point, so should be in reclosing controlled reactor limit on adding small neutral circuit reactance. 考虑空载线路发生单相短路接地时,将在故障点产生潜供电流不利于重合闸,故应该在可控电抗器中性点加装小电抗进行限制。